Thursday, April 30, 2009

Gout Disease

Gout is a painful type of arthritis caused by the build up of uric acid crystals in around of the joins.gout is one of the forms of arthritis most affected by diet.gout can be controlled or prevented by better gout diet and lifestyle changes.

gout prevention:
1-dietary changes.
2-weight reduction.
3-reduction of alcohol consumption.
4-increasing liquid intake.
food that help in curing gout:
1-fruit such as cherries,grapes and strawberries are all reported to bring relief to suffers.
2-garlic eaten raw garlic helps in neutralizing uric acid.
3-vegetables play an important part in healthy diet,eat plenty of raw fresh vegetables daily.
4-diet high in fiber,wholly grains,onion,celery and cucumber.
healing gout by herbs:
1-devil's claw can help in reduce inflammation and pain.
2-purdock root and celery seeds taken as a tea.
traditional Chinese herbs used for gout:
1-stephania root.
acupressure point helps in gout healing is KD3.
kd3 is located halfway between the ankle bone and the Achilles tendon on the back edge of the ankle press with your thumb on (kd3) point using medium pressure for about three minutes.
(kd3 point is shown in figure above).


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