Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cancer and Sugar

Cancer has only one prim cause it's the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of the body's cells by anaerobic.
the cancer metabolizes much differently than normal cells.normal cells need oxygen to survive but caner cells need sugar.
there are two types of sugar:

  1. good sugar.
  2. bad sugar.

bad sugars are simple sugars examples foods like soda,sugar searls and refined grains.good sugars or complex carbohydrates examples of these include foods like fruit,vegetables,beans and whole grains.for your health you must reduce the simple sugar intake and by substituting complex carbohydrates for simple sugars in your diet,you can reduce your risk of cancer and other chronic disease such diabetes and heart disease so controlling ones' blood glucose level through diet supplements,exercises,meditation and prescription drugs when necessary can be one of the most crucial to cancer recovery program.


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