Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Magnetic Healing

Magnets have theraputic value against larg number of desorder conditions.
magnetic therapy is safe,non invasive method of applying magnetic fields to the body for theraputic purposes to accelerate the natural healing prosses.
the mangnets should put directly over the painful area.the application of magnetic field to an injured area helps restor the electromagnetic field to normal level.
for hundred of years people have kown of beneficial effects of magnatisim on the heuman body.the two main goals of magnetic healing are to speed healing and reduce pain by stimulating blood circulation.
How magnets relieve pain:
When held against the skin magnets relax capillary wall therefor boosting blood flow to painful area they allso let muscles to relax.


Therion April 7, 2010 at 1:13 PM  

Therion Magnetic Therapy - Award-winning magnetic therapy products for natural pain relief and faster injury recovery. Used and recommended by doctors and therapists for arthritis, tendonitis, back pain, knee pain, and diabetic foot neuropathy.

Brad May 29, 2011 at 6:16 PM  

Nice post. Magnetic therapy from Woolrest BioMag consists of magnetic mattress pads and magnetic mattress toppers exposing the whole body to powerful static magnetic fields to give drug free pain relief from osteoarthritis, chronic lower back pain, sports injuries pain relief and sciatica.

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