Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cncer And It's Cauases

Cancer is the name for disease in which body's cells become abnormal and divide without control,cancer cells may invade nearby tissues and thay may spread through bloodstream and lymphatic system to other part of the body.
cells continue to grow and divide they are different from normal cells,instead of dying cancer cells keep forming new abnormal cells,cancer cells have many inherits damage in DNA.
cancer is strongly related to your daily diet,what you eat can hurt you,.some foods can cause cancer like sugar promots cancer by feeding cancer cells.anprocessed hony and molases which contain anti-oxidant is a better substute of refined sugar intake.
some oils and fats cause cancer,many foods and drinks stimulate cancer like alcohols,caffein and chlorin.
lack of oxygen is the primrary cause of cancer,normal cells become cancerous in low oxygen enviroment.
to protect our cells from cancer we shloud keep our bodies oxygenated using many methods available through nutrition or simple lifestyle changes.raw vegetables and fruites and their juices and get rid of the refined sugar is the first step to protect ourselves from dangerous disease like cancer.


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