Saturday, April 18, 2009

Different Alternative Methods Of Back Pain Healing - Part Two (Acupressure)

1-li4:hold your left hand palm finger out straight and squeeze your thumb against the other fingers.
this important point located in the middle of fleshy mound that pops up between the thumb and index finger.release the pressure and with your left hand still facing down.
caution:pregnant women should not press on this point.
2-extra effective points for low back pain are located on the back of each hand,one between the 2nd and 3rd and the other between the forth and fifth finger bones.
3-B14:is a very helpful point for relieving lower back pain is located in the back of your knee that forms when you bend the knee and right in the center between the two larg tendons,you can use your thumb or middel finger to press that point when you are sitting on the chear,raise your legs and then press this point for one minut.
this point exerts a powerful influence on the back and is known as the command point for all low back problems.


Anonymous,  August 21, 2009 at 9:15 AM  

Pain is something that everybody has in their body and experience that quite often on different occasions due to so many different reasons like work pressure, mental
stress and illness, marital difficulties and personal problems

i was one of them to experience a pain in my back both lower and upper back which was mainly because of my work and it was so bad that it was affecting my mind
and making me feel so stressful, i tried a lot of medications but none worked for me until i was adviced by one of my colleague to take it this way and it did work for me and it took me so easy and today i am so different than before.
Back Pain Relief

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