High Blood Pressurs And It's Treatment Naturally
High blood pressure has become a common disease in recent years,the modern nutrition and stress are considered one of the most important reasons, and not known on the days of our forefathers.
The high blood pressure must be under medical care, and has already proved that there is a relationship between high blood pressure and nervous behavior.
Different Healing Methods
Two teaspoon of grape or apple Vinegar a day is considered as a good treatment of patients with high blood pressure and restore blood pressure to normal.
pear fruit is used to deal with high blood pressure,one pear after every meal is a good option for the treatment of the Disease
garlic plant is used for the treatment of blood pressure caused by hardening of the arteries,eating two cloves of garlic at varying periods during the day, and preferably with a meal and with a teaspoon of honey every time used the garlic, and this method is Considered a good method for treatment high blood pressure.
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