Monday, April 13, 2009

Color Healing Therapy

Color therapy is the use of color in a variety of ways to promote health and healing. The different colors we see in the world around us are the result of the eye perceiving light vibrating at different frequencies. Sunlight, or full-spectrum light, holds all the wavelengths of color in the visible spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and magenta) as well as infrared and ultraviolet light, which cannot be seen. Used to treat both physical and emotional problems, color therapy may involve exposure to colored lights, massages using color-saturated oils, contemplating and visualizing colors, even wearing colored clothing and eating colored foods.
color has played a role in healing for centuries. At the temple of Heliopolis in ancient Egypt, patients were treated in rooms specifically designed to break up the sun's rays into the colors of the spectrum. People also made regular pilgrimages to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the world, to take advantage of the healing colors of the exotic plants and flowers found there. In India, practitioners of Ayurveda (now the oldest health-care system in the world), taught that specific colors corresponded with each of the seven chakras, the energy centers that represent organs, emotions, and aspects of the spirit. (Today Ayurvedic medicine continues to use color today to treat a wide range of mental and physical imbalances.)

Therapeutic uses of colors:
Red:is the color of vitality,promots blood serculation.
Orange:is the color of joy,anti-depression,stimulates the metabolic process and improve digetion and renewed youth.
Yellow:is the color of thought and intelligence,stimulates the nervous system and contributes to the treatment of gout by removing toxins from the body,allso effect spleen and the stomack.
Green:is the color of emmotional stability and harmony.
Bule:is the color that reduce the pain,in addition to that Anti-inflammatory,tonic,reduces tension,high blood pressure and encourage the breath process.
Indigo:indigo energy is where our intutive experience come indigo lies the understanding of life processes and gives energy to seeker of beuaty,love and justic.
Purpule:it's the combination of to colors,blue and red,it's the color of balance and stability,ascetisim and spirituality.


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