Sunday, April 12, 2009

Arthritis And It's Treatment

Arthritis means inflammation of a joint. There are more than one hundred different forms of arthritis. They are similar to each other in the symptoms they produce, which includes sore, stiff, inflamed, and painful joints. Beyond these common symptoms, the various forms of arthritis are quite different from each other. Most forms of arthritis can be subdivided into three major categories: rheumatoid (pronounced ROO-muh-toid) arthritis, osteoarthritis (pronounced OSS-tee-o-ar-THRIE-tis), and gout.

Treatment of the disease

Apple peel :

1-Boil 30 grams of apple peel in one liter of water for 15 minutes,.

2-after filteration drink six glasses a day, two glasses after each meal.

Apple Vinegar :

Taking tea spoon of apple vinegar in half cup of hot water, then take small amount of this solution and massage the place of pain, several times throughout the day, and then a final time before sleep and the process repeated for several days until the pain disappears.


taking up three fresh tomatoes every day helps in the treatment of arthritis.


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